Today a crew from Sheridan Road Magazine came to the house. They are a gorgeous glossy magazine focusing on life along the North shore. They are doing a profile on me and took pictures of me with the kiddos. So needless to say, our house is in tip top shape...for now. I have been a cleaning fool! With the training I am part of right now, my Papa's passing and everything else going on, it has been a steady effort. Now, time to put on a pair of sweats and relax for a moment. Where are Ben and Jerry? The issue should be out in March. This was a picture after the shoot with everyone from the magazine who were so much fun to work with.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Very Ooo La La!
Today a crew from Sheridan Road Magazine came to the house. They are a gorgeous glossy magazine focusing on life along the North shore. They are doing a profile on me and took pictures of me with the kiddos. So needless to say, our house is in tip top shape...for now. I have been a cleaning fool! With the training I am part of right now, my Papa's passing and everything else going on, it has been a steady effort. Now, time to put on a pair of sweats and relax for a moment. Where are Ben and Jerry? The issue should be out in March. This was a picture after the shoot with everyone from the magazine who were so much fun to work with.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I WIll Survive, Hey Hey!

It was one of many songs I tried to sing in my head after my new IPOD gave out on me as I drove downtown for the Kohl's Step up for Kids. How is that for timing? We climbed the Aon Building for Childrens' Memorial Hospital. I thought I trained well for the 1600 plus steps. They say if you can run a 5k you can do this. They obviously meant "If you can SPRINT a 5k, you can do this." My heart was in overdrive, but I did it. The volunteers were great and cheered us on in the stairwells while handing out water. Children from the hospital decorated the walls of the 80 floor stairwell for us also. Anyone who knows me, will tell you I am an open book who will give you the truth when asked. So...I did stop at floor 40 and wonder why I thought this would be a "fun," Sunday morning. And when I did reach the 80th floor and I entered the ballroom, I did think I may lose it. No, I am actually very surprised I didn't lose it. I was able to find a garbage can (right next to the table full of cookies of course)while my stomach started to quiver. Then it passed. Thank God. Can you imagine? I think my time was 27 minutes and yes, I did get passed by a couple of kids. But I did it and I raised about a thousand dollars. My climb though, was dedicated to the early debut of a friend's little boy who is quite the fighter. He is proof there are miracles. And now,a few days later, I remember the climb as being kind of fun.Would that be the oxygen deprivation? So next year I will train by doing some serious sprints so those kids won't catch me next time.
1)Up the escalators and to the stairwells I go.
2)I brought this miracle along
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Big Show...

We took John to his first big show. Disney's Fantasy on Ice or something along those lines. We had front row seats, which meant we sat on the ice which was pretty cool and a bit cold. But we live in Chicago, so we are used to it this winter. He loved the start of it. You can't get much better than Mater and Lighting McQueen!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Goodbye to a true gentleman.

My grandfather, otherwise known as Papa, fell ill this last week. He passed quickly and peacefully. Still, the loss is hard and something I am not good with. I guess there aren't too many of us who are good at it. He was a decorated Air Force pilot during WWII. He was known for his BBQ, gentle ways and for setting my mom up with his son. Good choice! His wife of 65 years and my Grandma Lar passed from Parkinsons while I was on bedrest about 7 months ago. I just know those two are back together and carrying on again. And there are times when I feel like they are here, checking in on those great grand babies of theirs. Every time a light flickers or a toy makes a random noise...I wonder. I know, strange. But I like to think my children have two amazing guardian angels up there watching over them.
1) I know this picture of the three of us is very old, but I also know my Grandma Lar loved it.
2) Tailgating Michigan State Football style. My maternal Grandpa Tony (on L) was a Dean , My Dad (Center) played baseball and my brother, football. Papa the pilot (On R) was at my little bro's every hs and college football game.
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