A group of us family and friends were part of the SEA Blue Prostate Cancer Walk this weekend at Lincoln Park. SEA stands for S-Support E-Educate A-Advocate. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in American men and it is the second leading cause of cancer death for men in our country. The event was for all the men in our lives who have, who are and will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Our team walked in honor of those we have lost to the disease like the great Don Kelly and for my father-in-law, Antone who we affectionately call, "Papa." Papa is a kind soul who gets the most joy from his family. He has battled the disease for over five years. A key treatment for him has been the use of Lupron. The drug arrests cancer and keeps it at bay, but it does not work indefinitely. Sometimes it never works, other times it does its job for 5 years before it stops performing allowing the cancer to metastasize. Once it stops working, there are limited options. Our hope is the walks will fund the research needed to discover new, longer lasting treatments so we can keep men like Papa here as long as we can.
1)Runners and walkers get ready
2)Papa and his groupies
3)Part of our team
4)John and Ali