Sunday, June 23, 2013

Women Only!

This morning I joined other volunteers from the American Heart Association to help with the Chicago Women's Half-Marathon which benefitted Go Red for Women.  We all were there before 5am, when it was still dark and cool outside.  By the time some of the faster runners were finishing, it was hovering around 90 the shade. I was part of gear check and it was the least I could do for these inspiring women who ran 13.1 miles.  It was a really great time full of a lot of laughter and felt like a GIANT "Girls' Day Out!"  I met a small group of volunteers who started BeCause of Beth.  It is a newer org established in honor of a sister who died very young from sudden cardiac arrest.  They're mission is to get everyone of us volunteering for causes that are personally important.  Check them out:

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