Friday, April 16, 2010

Has it been that long?

This habit got started just after I had my son and I was even there while pretty pregnant and hopped up on roids with my daughter. What can I say?

Thank you to Dan Ferrelli from the Aurora Police Department who has asked me to be part of the sessions at the Suburban Law Enforcement Academy at the College of Dupage. These men and women come from dozens of police and fire departments including Chicago, Deerfield, Oak Park....ect. Some of us who have spent years (ok, a decade give or take a few years)as the "evil," media go in and put them through mock interviews and are part of panels for Q&A. It breaks down some of the preconceived ideas of the media. You can admit you have those nasty thoughts also. I hate to burst the bubble by telling you we are not even close to what you see portrayed in movies. For the most part(95% of us anyway)we are dedicated to accuracy and legitimacy. Reputation is built on credibility.

These men and women are so busy responding to crime scenes or calls of emergency, the last thing they need to focus on is answering to the media. But, it is part of the job. So, we try to help get them in shape for it. We help them, help us in a sense. And so I wish them all SAFE and productive careers keeping us all safe. And I thank Dan for continuing to ask me to be part of the education.
1) Mock interviews in front of the lights and camera.
2) What did you just ask me?;)

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