Friday, October 15, 2010

Celebrating Years of Hard Work in Elgin

My husband and I spent the evening in Elgin at the Grand Victoria Casino. I was honored to emcee a night which celebrated the hard work of people and businesses that are a part of revitalizing Elgin's downtown neighborhood. You always hear about the spirit of communities, but rarely do you have the chance to experience it. The people of Elgin really do support their city and work diligently to keep Elgin progressing. Elgin has recently been in the midst of a rebirth and with the grants and the efforts of Elgin residents and businesses, it is coming alive again. The DNA President Tom Brockner and his wife were lovely as was the DNA Executive Director Tonya Hudson. And of course I must give a huge thank you to Promotions Coordinator, Jason Pawlowski, for inviting me to be a part of the 1940's gala.
1)Jason Pawlowski and super cute cigarette girls who sold raffle tickets
2)talking with some of Elgin's finest
3)And the award goes to...

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