Sunday, January 29, 2012

While the Cat is Away...

John had to head to Vegas to speak at a large convention for a couple days. The kids miss him when he is gone, so I try to make it as distracting as possible. Therefore, we headed over to Villa Olivia for tubing as finally we had enough snow to cover the ground. The year before Ali was old enough to go. But, the rules changed...apparently. So, after all the anticipation and the 45 min drive to get there, I discovered said rules had changed. Ali needed to be 4. Well, she will be in about six months. Crap. With the children looking up at me, I found myself lying. This is something I am terrible at doing. So, normally, I just don't. I am a firm believer in the truth and in karma. Still, it was going to be a very disappointing 45 minute ride home. So...I lied. When they asked how old she was, I said three. And then I saw the look from the lady behind the register. "Um...but she will be four in a month (or three or six)." Ali is extremely tall for her age so...after pleading with a higher up...we got through. And it was worth the gray hairs I sprouted that night. We followed it up the next night with their first trip to Ron of Japan and a movie. They have been dead set on going to a movie in PJ's. So, we got them dressed in their bedtime duds and went to watch, "Hugo." Then home, to bed. The next day, Daddy was coming home.

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