Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Happy 8th? Anniversary?

How is it I have the memory of an elephant, but had a hard time figuring out how long John and I have been married? well, I am terrible at math. But I guess it is also because time flies when you are busy living life. September 25, 2004. That is when we found ourselves surrounded by many family and friends as we said our vows of forever. Flash forward eight years: We have a first grade son who is a genius builder, a pre-K daughter who is always dancing and singing-unless sleeping, a cat who refuses to eat cat food, five horses, three fish and much much more to keep us running. We were introduced through my sister-in-law while I was still reporting in Indianapolis. And for almost a year I would fly from Indy to chicago almost every weekend. It doesn't seem like that long ago when we were long distance dating. But between then and now, we have created so many wonderful memories and faced the challenges together. I know the next eight years will pass just as quickly and I cannot wait to see what it has in store for us!

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