Thursday, September 18, 2008


For the longest time I have wanted to be a child advocate. It requires a long term commitment and so I waited until we were finished having babies and I felt I had life settled-somewhat. I decided to be a CASA for Lake County. As CASA's, we act as the extra set of eyes and ears for the Juvenile Court Judges. We handle individual cases in juvenile court which involve victims of child abuse and neglect. As we all know, the court systems and the caseworkers are simply overloaded. With such a time crunch, details or real life can get lost in the paperwork. CASAs are unbiased and are able to spend much more time with a child. We are able to talk with teachers, therapists, doctors,family ect about how the child is doing and what may be in their best interest. As a judge said to us this week, they only get a snapshot sometimes of a child's needs and we are able to serve them by giving the clear picture and make recommendations based on those findings. It was a wonderful six week training that made me want to be part of the organization even more and the others in our classes are outstanding! I cannot say enough about everyone involved, be it CASA, the Judges, attorneys and caseworkers. Believe me when I tell you how much they all care and work to keep the child the focus. This is when we were sworn in by the Judges Lessman and Judge Waites. Top notch ladies!

1 comment:

Sasha Townsend said...

Congrats on becoming a CASA, Amy! It is a huge time commitment, but it needs to be done and I am glad you're doing it. :) Good luck!