Thursday, November 5, 2009

All dressed up and NOWHERE to go!

My almost four year old son, Johnny, was so excited for Halloween this year. For months he has been waiting to gear up as a race car driver. What can I say? The boy still has a thing for anything with wheels! And given how he drives his Jeep, he is also a talented driver. Who knew a preschooler could parallel park and come THIS close to running his sister over before squealing to a halt? I can tell you that talent did not come from me! My husband? Yes. Alas, the week arrived as did H1N1 apparently. Luckily, he managed to get through it with only a mean case of croup. Same for Ali. It was like having a house full of newborns. I don't know how I would have survived it without my husband to help. Got to love it when Maria, the grocery store clerk, tells me I look tired. They were still getting over the funk on Saturday. Nothing like trick or treating around the house at the various doors inside. Whether it be a bedroom door, a bathroom door, the garage door (you get it)they were stuck inside and knocking on doors for treats. But hey! Candy is candy. And my daughter has a real knack for chocolate hunting. That's something she definately got from me. Hope you had a safe and sweet Halloween.
1)The only shot we could get with Ali wearing the Piglet hood. Such the diva about her hair.
2)The babes in all their glory.
3)The Halloween tree with creepy ornaments I have been collecting for the kiddos.

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