Saturday, December 26, 2009

Not the bright idea I thought it was...

Being that the "claw," or my splint is a bit sightly and will be adorning my wrist for 4 weeks, I thought I would craft it up. Bedazzle it or whatever. So I went online and found a site that sells "Shrinkins." It's shrink wrap decor for casts, IV poles, walkers, wheelchairs ect. A fantastic idea from a Michigan mom. With many designs to consider, I opted for the leopard print. The bald eagle or kittens just weren't my thang. So I got the wrap in and spent an hour, maybe more, getting it all lined up and taped down per directions. I whipped out the hair dryer and got to shrinking. That is when I realized it was heating up the plastic splint and therefore causing it to lose shape fast. After sticking my hand in the freezer I was able to remold it back into place. So there was a reason Shrinkins didn't list splints on there. Still, it is a great idea and something to keep stashed in the back on the mind if ever needed for someone you know.

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