Wednesday, March 17, 2010

There is a point to this story...and some blackmail pics.

Back in 1991 (when we all first started using electricity) I decided to enter the Miss Portage scholarship pageant. I didn't really know what I was getting myself in to and either did my parents who were, um, hesitant. "Amy, you are too smart for this. You can spend that time doing other more educational things." Well, I knew I could talk the paint off the walls and think on my feet. I figured since I danced and could walk somewhat upright in a pair of heels, why not just for the experience of it all? But I didn't know how much more would be learned from the whole experience that is far more important the high hair. And honey, it was BIG back then.
I won Miss Portage and then somehow managed to win Miss Blossomtime. Blossomtime is Michigan's oldest and largest festival with well over a century under it's rich traditional belt. It would be a year's worth of experiences that I have taken with me since then. We travelled to the Shriner's Hospital in Chicago and I was a guest celebrity at the Indy 500 and rode in the pace car with the famed Caroll Shelby. In all, there were more than 70 appearances in that year and I am proud to tell you that, thanks to my mom the chauffeur (my parents quickly found it was a enormous educational experience for us all), I was able to travel the region to be part of 4 parades in one day, even after my barbie stand gave way and I about toppled off the back of the float.
Along with the many memories, there was the understanding of just how important a pageant can be for a young person in terms of thinking outside of oneself. To be part of so many events in need an extra voice or a hug, well, it changes you. To really get out there and help in all ways...I could go on and on. That year was filled with many lessons.

**Was our hair SUPER SIZED or what?**

Thanks to all that public speaking, I became a national spokesperson for a major car company during my college years. For over a hundred days a year I travelled the country and spoke to the masses. And I learned how to "multitask," the work with college classes. THAT helped with a successful career as a reporter. As a reporter I have had drug dealers (later convicted) with angry pit bulls (I know, they get a bad rap. The dogs-not the dealers.) I have been walked through some terrible crime scenes and even had to interview a President or two. Being thrown into just about every situation, I had to find some semblance of confidence when me knees were visibly shaking. And that year as Miss B. helped me build that a strong foundation for that.
And the biggest bonus? The reporting lead to meeting my husband and now we have our family. It has been a wonderful journey getting here. So, as long winded as it is, I thank Blossomtime for still impacting my life in all ways. And I encourage anyone to gives themselves a chance to try new things. You just never know where it will lead you!
Alright, so...back then, I helped emcee Blossomtime for a few years afterward, but then left to start my career. I haven't been back since thanks to working weekends and far out of state. So this was a 15 year reunion of sorts. It is so great to see the board members and volunteers still there decades later. My heart goes out to everyone who is coping with the loss of the dear Bob Braamse. He was part of Blossomtime for 50 years and his loss as President and dear friend is still palpable.

While backstage waiting to be announced, I ran into the stage manager who I instantly recognized from back in 1991. He brought me to tears recalling the night I won and just as I got ready to walk out in to the spotlight, he just gave me "that look," of true sincerity and said,"It's good to have you back." It had been far too long. Still gets me...right here;) So lovely to see that although much has changed (for the good)just as much has stayed the same. What a great part of tradition to be a part of. I cannot thank everyone enough for that chance to represent a wonderful "family, " so many MANY years ago. It is still an honor.
Hello, are ya still with me?

1) Here is part of the opening number from this year
2) Board member Craig Rochau was one of my chaperones for the Indy 500 week and was our judges' chaperone this weekend.
3) Brandy Godush-Cox- Miss Blossomtime 1994. She is now the spokesperson for Cannon USA and a fit model for Wrangler Jeans and such. She was like a little sister and now she's all grown up and beautiful!!
4)Lainie Lu Howard Von Berhen-Miss Blossomtime 1988 and emcee. She later was Miss MI USA and the BIG Star Search Model winner in '94. You can find her on the back of your Special K right now as well. She gets more gorgeous by the year and I have always adored her.

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