Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A bad break...or a couple of fractures later...

The motto here, as I have heard dozens of times now, is "It could've been a lot worse." Okay, fine, whatever. It happens often to riders and normally you dust yourself off and get back on to end the ride on a better note while retaining some bit of confidence. That would not happen on this Friday. Instantly after I fell, it felt like I was either having back labor or massive lower back spasms. My first thought was not of the pain, but of my husband. How would I explain this to him as he has never really been a fan my horse habit. How would he react? My poor mom got the first call. Then calls to Michelle and Deanna. Jennifer would have also had the pleasure, but was out of town. I am sure none of them could understand me through it all. I barely understood myself! After refusing to be taken to the hospital (I know, real bright, huh?) I found myself driving to the hospital where I then called John. I swear I lost ten years in the parking lot as I called his number. He met me there. We were told I fractured my L1 and L2 vertebrae and needed a CAT scan. FANTASTIC. The poor techs told me to be still, but I couldn't stop shaking from all the sobbing. I am not a pretty crier, mind you. My poor husband asked, "Is it from the pain?" No. That I could handle. It was the prospect of not riding again. Crazy, huh? As much as he hates it, he far...agreed to let me continue. Of course, I have been told by the orthopedic surgeon that will be in three months from now. THREE MONTHS??? Better than never though. 1)The two squares with the ridges are where the breaks are from landing on my butt. 2)Legs. We think he pinched a nerve after landing from a jump which likely caused him to off. He's still my boy! 3)My back brace...with "STIRRUPS" tighten it down. Wish these stirrups were on a saddle.

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