Sunday, September 26, 2010

Here Comes the Bride

Two times I always cry, without question, are when a bride walks down the aisle and during the father-daughter dance. That was clear this weekend when our sitter, Monica, became Mrs. Geoff Kieres. Why did I not wear the waterproof mascara??

Luckily, John was out of the hospital and able to be my date as we celebrated our 6th anniversary at their wedding. Geoff is a paramedic and saves people all over Chicago, even if he finds himself in dangerous situations. He has also delivered a baby or two! And of course, we adore Monica and our children LOVE her also. She is a teacher by trade and we are blessed to have her as a part of our family. Their families have gotten to know our kids and, again, we are so lucky the children have such a fun extended family to visit. They are such a great couple! And to see her walk down the aisle in her beautiful gown with her father...John still doesn't understand why I was tearing up! Maybe I don't either.
It's a big step into the next phase of your life with someone else. There will be times of challenge and times much more rewarding than imagined. At times it can feel like a marathon and other times, like this weekend, you can't figure out how the last six years blew by so quickly.Yes, you learn so much about your partner, but even more about yourself. So here is a toast to our newlyweds. May they have more love and happiness than their hands and hearts can hold.

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