Friday, September 24, 2010

The Week (that felt like a year) That Was

Crazy week! Our sitter is in the midst of getting married. Yay! However, my husband became very ill just as she needed to be gone getting the details wrapped up for the upcoming wedding weekend. Given are children are too young (in my opinion) to be hanging out in a hospital, it was a challenge to find last minute back-up so I could be with John. Thank you Gina! You are the best neighbor and a dear friend of ours!
My husband noticed some inflammation moving up his leg and only getting redder by the hour. Next thing we knew, he was being admitted to the hospital. Only one problem, finding an open bed at any of the area hospitals where his doctors practice. John needed IV antibiotics and an MRI to see how far the staph had already progressed. So, 6 hours later, after locating a bed, he still had no IV. Then, by 11pm, he had an IV, but no antibiotics. Hello? Anyone?
Meanwhile, his roommate needed his very loud and large family (were talking newborns and toddlers etc)to translate. Turns out from what we couldn't help but overhear through the curtain, he was there for heart pain. He is a diabetic who was on his ELEVENTH beer when he felt heat in his chest and decided to put down the brew. Luckily here in the US, he was treated for heart burn in spite of no insurance and was discharged after a nice pancake breakfast the next morning. Yes, it did tick me off. Can you tell?
That next morning we waited STILL for the MRI as they don't perform them after 11pm. At noon he was brought down for testing. He couldn't eat or drink until after the results were back. SO, at 5pm-5PM!!, he was told he could have that much needed coffee. Better than beer I guess;) And after a few days, John was allowed to return home feeling much better, but a little worn out by it all.

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